2020 Year in Review

In Los Angeles County: We are proud to endorse former Senator Holly Mitchell, who received 60.6% of the vote in a landslide victory against her opponent. We had a phonebank team of 6 join the Working Families for Holly Mitchell Independent Expenditure campaign to make calls to voters primarily in Spanish. We released an environmental justice opinion piece in KnockLA featuring our youth phonebanker, Isabel. You can read the story, here.

In Richmond, CA: CBE Action endorsed candidate- Melvin Willis (District 1), Gayle McLaughlin (District 5), and Claudia Jimenez (District 6)- won their local races and elevated Environmental Justice and Just Transition for workers and community in their campaigns and in action. We look forward to working alongside them to advance health and safety for frontline communities.

Our 35 member field and phone teams in Los Angeles County and Contra Costa County for Proposition 15 spoke to nearly 10 thousand voters for the Schools and Communities First campaign where we worked alongside Power CA Action and the Power California Network for both the March primary election collecting signatures to qualify the initiative, polling voters on taxing corporations, and turning out voters for the November General Election. Although Prop 15 did not pass, the broad coalition of supporters demonstrated the strength of people-power with nearly half of California’s electorate in agreement to close corporate-tax loopholes.

Grassroots leaders in Richmond and Los Angeles participated in our candidate and ballot item endorsement processes where we endorsed a total of 8 candidates and 5 local ballot measures, including providing positions on the statewide ballot items in coalition with CEJA Action. Review our 2020 endorsements, click here.

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Contributions to CBE Action, a project of Tides Advocacy, are not tax-deductible.